
Een bedrijf oprichten in Roemenie en fiscale holdingstructuren in Roemenie

Voor bijkomend advies en info mail:
Wij constateren  dat steeds meer ondernemingen kiezen voor de oprichting van een onderneming of dochteronderneming in het buitenland. Door de lage oprichtingskosten, snelle oprichtingsduur in combinatie met de beperkte aansprakelijkheid en lage belastingdruk  is  de Roemeense limited (srl) erg populair.


Recruitment assistance in Romania


We are a company that recruits employees for our clients in Romania.

With recruitment we mean recruitment for a client. The recruited professionals will work for the client and have the employment contract with the client in Romania or any other country where they will work.




Company formation and registration in Romania


Company Creation In Romania - Create A Company In Romania

We are specialized in remote company creation. We create form a distance you do not need to travel. You only travel to Romania with us after that the company is created to open the operational bancary accounts, personal bank accounts, internet banking on your name, etc..We create and you save money and time. For more info contact:


recruitment and staffing of engineers in romania

Employ engineers in Romania via the recruitment factory


recruitment and staffing agency for ict specialists in romania

Employ ICT specialists in Romania via the recruitment factory

Romania is one of the fastest-growing information technology (IT) markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The country has made significant progress in all of the information and communications technology (ICT) subsectors, including basic telephony, mobile telephony, the Internet and IT. The country’s telecoms sector has been deregulated, expanded and modernized over the past 15 years.


ict salary survey and ict recruitment in romania

ict salary survey and ict recruitment in romania

download the survey in attachment

more info mail at

Procedure to create a company in Romania

Guide for setting up a company in Romania


Bio landbouw in Roemenie een opportuniteit

Gelegen aan de Zwarte Zee en met ruim 22 miljoen inwoners en bijna 8 keer zo groot als Belgie en 6 keerNederland is Roemenië vanouds een belangrijke landbouwproducent. Een kleine 15 miljoen hectare is in principe geschikt voor de landbouw. Sinds het verdwijnen van Ceausescu wordt verwoed gepoogd de agrarische sector ingrijpend te hervormen.
