Setting up a company in Romania or how to create a company in Romania ?
Is it easy to create a company in Romania?
Today it is relatively easy to set up a company in Romania. We provide customized advice. The establishment of a company in Romania is easy for us, we have more than 15 years of experience.
For information mail
Choice of legal form of your Romanian company
Benefits of RaaS for Start-ups and Small Businesses
Benefits of RaaS for Start-ups and Small Businesses
As a business owner, I have experienced the challenges of finding the right individuals to join my team. This can be particularly difficult and expensive for start-ups and small businesses. Therefore, I chose to adopt Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) as a solution for all my recruitment needs. RaaS is an innovative and efficient approach that has proven to be time and cost-effective.
Buying Agricultural Land in Romania: APIA Subsidies and Support
APIA Payment Examples for Romanian Agricultural Landowners
Each year, the Romanian government, through APIA, offers various support measures and aids to local farmers. These vary based on crop type, land area, and farming method:
a) sub-package 3.1 – Crex crex- option 3.1.1 / option 3.1.2 – manual work / machine work on meadows important for Crex crex – €310/ha/year / €231/ha/year
The Complexities of Buying Farmland in Romania
Romania's agricultural sector has long been an attractive prospect for investors, both domestic and foreign. However, recent legislative changes have transformed the landscape for purchasing farmland in this Eastern European nation. This post will guide you through the evolving regulations, challenges, and opportunities in Romania's agricultural real estate market. At the end you have the possibility to look at some offers.
Een boerderij en landbouwgrond kopen in Roemenie
Evolutie van eigendomsrechten op landbouwgronden in Roemenië
Tot voor kort was het relatief eenvoudig om landbouwgrond in Roemenië te kopen, met wetten die beperkingen oplegden aan buitenlands eigendom in strijd met de grondwet. Toch is de situatie nu veranderd, aangezien een lange reeks wetgeving landbouwgrond roemenie wijzigingen, waarschijnlijk beginnend met Wet 175/2020, een nieuw kader heeft gecreëerd.
How Recruitment Agency Romania Will Adapt to 2025 Trends
As we look ahead to 2025, we're seeing big changes in how recruitment agencies in Romania will operate. The job market is evolving rapidly, and we need to stay on our toes to keep up. We're noticing a shift towards using more technology in recruiting, which is shaking things up in a big way.
RaaS Recruitment as a service de ideale oplossing voor uw bedrijf
Hoe ziet de toekomst eruit voor uw wervingsbeleid en uw doelen voor groei?
Ik heb deze zakelijke strategie overgenomen en biedt nu RaaS-diensten aan voor start-ups en kleine bedrijven. U kunt contact met mij opnemen via +32 478 331 799 of per e-mail op voor een eerste kennismaking. U kunt ook op het eerste deel van het e-mailadres klikken om contact met mij op te nemen.
Agricultural Investment Opportunity in Braila, Romania land for sale
Today, we are proud to present you a great opportunity for investment in agriculture. We are now offering for sale a prime parcel of farmland in Braila county, Romania with sizes between 180 to 800 hectares. Such a huge piece of land becomes unmatched in its ability to offer large-scale farming or serve the agribusiness industry as an excellent asset for strategic investments.
Why Braila?