New Guidelines and Penalties for B2B e-invoicing Regime in Romania (2024)


The B2B e-invoicing regime in Romania will be implemented in two phases in 2024, with new regulations and penalties being introduced through government emergency ordinance 115/2023. These changes include exemptions for simplified invoices, exports, non-resident counterparties, and B2C transactions. Furthermore, the grace period for fines has been extended until July 2024. This article will provide an in-depth look into Romania's e-invoicing regime, covering the launch phases, requirements, penalties, and the user guidance manual issued by the Ministry of Finance.

Our due diligence services in Romania


The DD was done with a classical approach: we go on-site during 7-10 days. After this we write our report and conclusions and provide the investor (buyer) with a report and attachments. The main report and conclusions with corresponding attachments are prepared during the works.The duration of the works is around 2 to 3 weeks.

“Due to the COVID19 we had to re-think our business model and we started to work from a distance as per October 2020.”

What are the advantages of a digital Due Diligence in Romania ?

1.     We do not have to travel to Romania

Our interim management services for your projects in Romania


Having spent over two decades in Romania, our Founder Freddy Jacobs has established himself as an authority in the country. His guiding principle in Romania has always been: “In the land of the blind, the one eye is king” AND “thriving on chaos as a model to make money“. Today these elements are still valid in Romania.

Allow me to share some information with you regarding our central principles and temporary management offering:

Our tax services in Romania


Romania is an attractive destination for investors due to its strategic location, skilled workforce, and favorable business environment. However, it’s crucial to understand the tax landscape to navigate the investment process effectively. In this article, we will delve into the recent tax law changes in Romania and provide you with valuable insights.

Tax laws in Romania undergo frequent revisions to align with the evolving economic landscape and international standards. Staying up-to-date with these changes is essential to avoid penalties and optimize your tax strategy.

Our real estate services in Romania


Real Estate services in Romania

We offer full Services real estate sales & property Management. We have more than 20 years of experience in eastern markets. For more than 20 years our real estate services division has been providing a wide range of services and solutions supporting various real estate transactions. By combining years of real estate finance expertise, with the experience and stability of our company, the real estate services division has developed a unique set of offers for our clients.

Unbelievable Opportunities Await Romanian Companies with EU Funding in 2024


In the regions undergoing a just transition, micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can receive grants ranging from 200,000 to 8 million euros for projects aimed at mitigating the negative effects of polluting industrial activities. These grants will be provided as regional state aid and de minimis aid. The "Development of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship" program, specifically the component for "Investments for the development of SMEs promoting sustainable growth and job creation," is currently accepting project proposals through the MySMIS2021 online portal.
