investment romania

report retail, investments and construction romania march 2014


Report on retail, investments and construction romania 2014

Please find the report on retail, investments  and construction in Romania in anexa. The report on retail, investments and construction in Romania is a periodical publication of our chamber. The report on retail, investments and construction in Romania contains activities in the sector and leads for investors.

Read more in the attached file.



Our subvention and grant services in romania

Each year the amount of grants made by corporations, foundations, and government agencies increases in Romania. Organizations that do not have enough funding in place to hire more staff and set up an office for the express purpose of writing and managing grants can benefit immeasurably from the services of our grant or subvention file consultants.


Business incubators: we build your business

Our business incubators serve as a launching platform for young and small businesses. Start-ups, which are dynamic entities need support and our incubators are providing this support. We build your business on a tailor made time frame with little or a lot of involvement from our expert teams. If required we will do the entire start-up phase for you and then teach you how to run the business and keep supporting you in the next phases of your growth cycle.


New call for projects under Measure 121 of PNDR – investments in (family) farms


APDRP (Paying Agency for Rural Development and Fisheries) has announced the launching of a new call for projects under Measure 121 of the National Rural Development Programme (PNDR). This new session will start on June 25 and will close on July 31, 2013. Some 50 million euro are available for investments in (smaller family) farms, with economic size of 2-50 ESU, the maximum grant being 50,000 euro for projects with a maximun eligible value of 125,000 euro.