Employer impact en het activeren van de openstaande vacatures – twee must DO’s als werkgever of hr manager

Employer branding is nu nog te vaak ‘nattevingerwerk of windowdressing’ en de meeste bedrijven hebben geen ervaring met  ‘employer impact’.  Vandaag komt het erop neer dat u de kandidaat beweegt om op de apply link te klikken van uw bedrijf. Vandaag komt het erop neer dat de kandidaat zich laat informeren over jobs in uw bedrijf omdat deze bij U wil werken. De kandidaat heeft de kontrole maar u kan impact hebben op de kandidaat en deze bewegen om actie te ondernemen.
Dit doet u niet alleen met ‘employer branding’ u dient ‘employer impact’  te hebben.


Employer impact en het activeren van de openstaande vacatures – twee must DO’s als werkgever of hr manager

Employer branding is nu nog te vaak ‘nattevingerwerk of windowdressing’ en de meeste bedrijven hebben geen ervaring met  ‘employer impact’.  Vandaag komt het erop neer dat u de kandidaat beweegt om op de apply link te klikken van uw bedrijf. Vandaag komt het erop neer dat de kandidaat zich laat informeren over jobs in uw bedrijf omdat deze bij U wil werken. De kandidaat heeft de kontrole maar u kan impact hebben op de kandidaat en deze bewegen om actie te ondernemen.
Dit doet u niet alleen met ‘employer branding’ u dient ‘employer impact’  te hebben.


Service in the spotlight: “in house recruitment”


The “in house recruiter’ is an experienced interim manager specialized in recruitment.

Today the war for talent makes it hard to get an inflow of qualified personal.

The in house recruiter is the answer and remediation to this. The “in house recruiter makes the difference between traditional search agencies, traditional recruiters, specialized interim agencies and executive search agencies.

He will perform for you and find the right people in 60 days as he will work as part of your team in house in your offices.

The Romanian government introduces the obligation to initiate collective negotiations when applying the latest fiscal measures on transfer of contributions


As of 1 January 2018, pension and health insurance contributions are to be deducted directly from employees’ gross salaries .  The Law mentioned as of 1 January 2018, the amount of social contributions paid on employment income will be as follows:

Contributions deducted from gross salaries:

Pension insurance contribution – 25%

Health insurance contribution – 10%

A work insurance contribution of 2.25% of the gross salary due by employers

Changes in the fiscal and labour code from 1 january 2018


We present some legislative news with impact in the field of labor law and tax law.


Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2017 for amending and completing the Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code.

The new normative act includes several changes to the tax regime, among which:

Changes in the fiscal and labour code from 1 january 2018


We present some legislative news with impact in the field of labor law and tax law.


Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2017 for amending and completing the Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code.

The new normative act includes several changes to the tax regime, among which:

Amendments to the conditions for application of income tax exemption to software engineers


More info and help: mail frjacobs@telenet.be

A new legislative Order has introduced changes regarding the tax exemption available on the wages of IT professionals. In order to decide who will benefit from said tax exemption certain conditions must be met, as follows:

• Reintroduction of the EUR 10,000 threshold

In order to benefit from the income tax exemption for software engineers, the employer must have earned at least EUR 10,000 per software engineer during the previous fiscal year.

Start-up nation Romania subventions


The "Start-Up Nation - Romania" programme awards the minimis aid to a maximum of 10,000  small and medium-sized enterprises at a maximum value of 200,000 lei per beneficiary, representing 100% of the value of eligible expenditure.

info mail frjacobs@telenet.be


MAXIM 100% AFN, but can not exceed 200,000 lei per beneficiary (including VAT for non-paying companies)
