
How Recruitment Agency Romania Will Adapt to 2025 Trends

As we look ahead to 2025, we're seeing big changes in how recruitment agencies in Romania will operate. The job market is evolving rapidly, and we need to stay on our toes to keep up. We're noticing a shift towards using more technology in recruiting, which is shaking things up in a big way.


RaaS Recruitment as a service de ideale oplossing voor uw bedrijf

Hoe ziet de toekomst eruit voor uw wervingsbeleid en uw doelen voor groei?

Ik heb deze zakelijke strategie overgenomen en biedt nu RaaS-diensten aan voor start-ups en kleine bedrijven. U kunt contact met mij opnemen via +32 478 331 799 of per e-mail op voor een eerste kennismaking. U kunt ook op het eerste deel van het e-mailadres klikken om contact met mij op te nemen.


Ontdek hoe RaaS de kosten voor werving kan verlagen en de aanwervingspercentages kan verhogen

Dit artikel beschrijft de kern van RaaS en illustreert de rol en voordelen ervan in moderne wervingspraktijken. Het biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van hoe RaaS werkt en benadrukt de voordelen ten opzichte van traditionele wervingsmethoden, waaronder het strategische gebruik van wervingsadvies en technologiegedreven wervingsinstrumenten. Bovendien geeft het artikel praktische stappen en best practices voor het implementeren van RaaS, zodat lezers een routekaart hebben om deze innovatieve wervingsstrategie effectief te benutten.


The Key to Finding Top Talent: Mastering Recruitment in Romania

This article aims to provide valuable insights and best practices for successful recruitment in Romania. The country's recruitment landscape is influenced by its diverse linguistic environment, with Romanian being the official language spoken by 85% of the population. However, many Romanians are also proficient in other languages such as Hungarian, Romani, Ukrainian, Russian, and Bulgarian. Moreover, there is a growing trend among the younger generation to learn English, French, or German, which adds to the complexity of the recruitment process.


Recruiting and hiring electricians in Romania: A Comprehensive Guide

Romania's electricians are a valuable asset to businesses seeking skilled professionals in various industries. These experts design, assemble, install, and maintain electrical systems and machinery in commercial, industrial, and domestic environments. With a wide range of sectors and specialties, Romanian electricians are well-equipped to handle diverse electrical challenges. This article delves into the benefits of recruiting electricians in Romania, the various sectors, and the recruitment process.

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Employee disciplinary commission in Romania and sanctions in Romania


Disciplinary misconduct is an act related to work, consisting of an action or inaction committed by the employee. This violated legal norms or internal regulations, the provisions of the individual employment contract, the applicable collective labor agreement, the orders and legal provisions of the hierarchical leaders.

The disciplinary sanctions applicable to employees are described in Article 248 of the Labor Code, namely:


Recruiting Engineers in Romania: A Comprehensive Guide

Romania is emerging as a hub for engineering talent, with an increasing number of companies looking to tap into the country's vast pool of skilled engineers and technicians. Whether you're a business seeking experienced professionals or an engineer in search of new opportunities, Romania may just be the perfect destination. This article explores the benefits of recruiting engineers in Romania, the various engineering sectors, and the recruitment process.

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Recruitment of IT profiles in Romania

You have great recruitment plans and you want to move swiftly in a competitive market. You need to understand talent availability, compensation and how to be attractive. So you onboard the best talent in the shortest time possible.

We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and business, to ensure that not only the right skill set is found, but the right team and culture fit too. With this approach we have successfully delivered to a myriad of companies from startups looking to hire their first staff member through to high organizations working at scale.

