Setting up a company in Romania or how to create a company in Romania ?


Is it easy to create a  company in Romania?

Today it is relatively easy to set up a company in Romania. We provide customized advice. The establishment of a company in Romania is easy for us, we have more than 15 years of experience.

For information mail

Choice of legal form of your Romanian company

Subventions for young farmers in Romania DR 12


Romania's Approach: Supporting the Growth of Young and Newly Settled Farmers through DR-12 Intervention

This year, the long-awaited DR-12 intervention, a new addition to the National Strategic Plan 2023-2027, will finally be launched. This program will provide established young farmers with a financing amount of 200,000 euros per farm at an 80% intensity rate.

Ontdek hoe RaaS de kosten voor werving kan verlagen en de aanwervingspercentages kan verhogen


Dit artikel beschrijft de kern van RaaS en illustreert de rol en voordelen ervan in moderne wervingspraktijken. Het biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van hoe RaaS werkt en benadrukt de voordelen ten opzichte van traditionele wervingsmethoden, waaronder het strategische gebruik van wervingsadvies en technologiegedreven wervingsinstrumenten. Bovendien geeft het artikel praktische stappen en best practices voor het implementeren van RaaS, zodat lezers een routekaart hebben om deze innovatieve wervingsstrategie effectief te benutten.

Microenterprise tax 1% or 3% in 2024 in Romania


From the year 2024, a Romanian legal person can apply the tax regime on the income of micro-enterprises if on December 31 of the previous fiscal year:

A Foreigner's Guide for investment in Romania


Romania is emerging as an enticing destination for those looking to invest in Romania, by its strategic European location that assures seamless access to diverse markets including the EU, CIS, and Middle East. Romania offers a robust terrain for Romania investment opportunities.

The Key to Finding Top Talent: Mastering Recruitment in Romania


This article aims to provide valuable insights and best practices for successful recruitment in Romania. The country's recruitment landscape is influenced by its diverse linguistic environment, with Romanian being the official language spoken by 85% of the population. However, many Romanians are also proficient in other languages such as Hungarian, Romani, Ukrainian, Russian, and Bulgarian. Moreover, there is a growing trend among the younger generation to learn English, French, or German, which adds to the complexity of the recruitment process.

The ultimate guide to make electronic invoices in Romania e-Factura from ANAF


Are you prepared to dominate the realm of electronic invoicing in Romania?

Welcome! We proudly present our "E-factura in Romania Crash Course" video, the perfect resource for preparing for the upcoming mandatory e-invoicing revolution. This captivating video will showcase my knowledge and offer a comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial on how to adapt to the revised fiscal reporting procedures.

Een fabriek bouwen in Roemenië Green Field Investment


Het potentieel van Roemenië voor directe buitenlandse investeringen (DBI) maakt een een veelbelovende groei door, zoals blijkt uit de toename van de inkomende DBI-stroom tot 11.273 miljoen USD in 2022 en de stijging van het aantal greenfield-investeringen tot 190 in hetzelfde jaar. Deze stijging wijst op een groeiend vertrouwen en een groeiende interesse van investeerders, waardoor Roemenië een aantrekkelijke bestemming wordt voor investeringsmogelijkheden, met name in de greenfieldsector.

Grants to Support Entrepreneurs in the Development of Advanced Digital Technologies in Romania


The Official Gazette has recently released the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) aid scheme, which aims to provide much-needed support to non-IT companies in Romania. This initiative is designed to help these companies partner with IT companies and embark on a digital transformation journey to enhance their competitiveness, promote innovation, and facilitate the adoption of new work methods.
