foto gallery investment opportunities and subventions Romania 2014 2020 - seminar 5 June 2014, Belgium


Please find the photo gallery of the event investment and subventions Romania 2014 - 2020 in anexa.
Download the pdf file to view the photo's.
Freddy Jacobs
President CIBR

SUBVENTION PERIOD 2014 to 2020 in Romania event by cibr in Belgium 5 june 2014


Subventions for agri&food sectors , infrastructure and industrial companies for the period 2014 - 2020 in Romania: general public from 13 pm to 19pm on invitation only

The Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber

has the pleasure to invite you to attend the seminar:

“Investment opportunities and subventions in Romania 2014 -2020”

On Thursday 5 th of June 2014

Serviciile noastre de subvenții și alocații in Romania


Valoarea alocațiilor acordate de corporații, fundații și agenții guvernamentale crește anual. Organizațiile care nu dețin fonduri suficiente pentru a angaja personal suplimentar și pentru a înființa un sediu în scopul expres de a introduce și administra alocațiile pot beneficia nelimitat de serviciile consultanților noștri în privința alocațiilor sau subvențiilor.

Our subvention and grant services in romania


Each year the amount of grants made by corporations, foundations, and government agencies increases in Romania. Organizations that do not have enough funding in place to hire more staff and set up an office for the express purpose of writing and managing grants can benefit immeasurably from the services of our grant or subvention file consultants.

Solar and renewable energy in Romania


Solar and renewable energy projects in Romania

We have the belief that energy will be a considerable cost factor in the near future. Companies should start to work on energy plans as the cost of energy will rise in the coming years. Investors in re-energy on the other hand should act now and prepare for the shift to green energy and autonomous energy production. We offer a variety of services in the re-energy domain:

Sales of “ready to build” and “turn-key” projects in Romania



Company creation in Romania

Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business or investment in Romania. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.

There are three ways to open an overseas operation in Romania:
