
Mogelijkheden voor investeringen in de Roemeense landbouw in 2025

Geïnteresseerd in het kopen van een Roemeense boerderij en landbouwgrond in Roemenië?

De landbouwsector in Roemenië biedt geweldige kansen voor slimme investeerders. Met een jaarlijks rendement van 7% of meer, aanzienlijke subsidies van de EU en een bloeiende economie, biedt deze markt een stabiele investeringsmogelijkheid. Bovendien zorgt het gunstige klimaat en vruchtbare land voor de teelt van verschillende gewassen.


Why to invest in Romania

Invest in Romania

Romania is a country with immense potential that has yet to be fully tapped. The nation is actively pursuing direct investment and has recently implemented several measures to attract foreign investors. Starting a business in Romania is straightforward, with comprehensive support available from local experts. Foreign investors interested in Romania can reach out to us for assistance.


A Foreigner's Guide for investment in Romania

Romania is emerging as an enticing destination for those looking to invest in Romania, by its strategic European location that assures seamless access to diverse markets including the EU, CIS, and Middle East. Romania offers a robust terrain for Romania investment opportunities.


Een fabriek bouwen in Roemenië Green Field Investment

Het potentieel van Roemenië voor directe buitenlandse investeringen (DBI) maakt een een veelbelovende groei door, zoals blijkt uit de toename van de inkomende DBI-stroom tot 11.273 miljoen USD in 2022 en de stijging van het aantal greenfield-investeringen tot 190 in hetzelfde jaar. Deze stijging wijst op een groeiend vertrouwen en een groeiende interesse van investeerders, waardoor Roemenië een aantrekkelijke bestemming wordt voor investeringsmogelijkheden, met name in de greenfieldsector.


Register a company in Romania

Register a company in Romania, open a business bank account, and stay compliant - all in one place.

The best start for your new business with a complete package of services.

A limited company formation package offering compliance and privacy. We have created specialist packages for customers who want to set up a company and are based outside of Romania.

We include everything you need to form a Romanian limited company in this package:


Off-shoring IT in Romania

Off-shoring in Romania is a hidden gem for technology outsourcing. The country's strategic location makes it one of the most featured countries among western European countries. Romania offers a substantial advantage, in quality and cost wise

What is Off-Shoring?

Off-shoring is the use of resources located outside the business location and managed from there. The advantages of off-shoring include cost savings, better quality, and reduced risk. However, the advantages are not free and there are also disadvantages of off-shoring.


Our business center in Romania

A Business Center is a physical location that provides temporary office solutions for all types of entrepreneurs and organizations. Our business Center is located in a quiet area with quick access to all important links: banks, accountants or important state institutions. With almost 20 years of experience, we are the ideal solution for you.



Recruitment of engineers in romania

Are you looking for experienced engineers and technicians or are you yourself looking for a new job as a specialist or management professional in Engineering? We can find for you....

The engineers are again in great search on the Romanian labor market. In addition to computer scientists, companies offer jobs for mechanical engineers, construction engineers or energy engineers.

Why engineers in Romania? Because they are well trained, true professionals, they have a low rate of resignations and extremely dedication.


5 reasons why you should consider doing business in Romania.

When looking for up-and-coming European Union (EU) countries that have started to catch the eye of investors over the last few years, you should take a close look at Romania. In recent years, the country has become a magnet for those attracted by the growing startup ecosystem, especially within large cities like Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca.

Below are 5 reasons why you should consider doing business in Romania.

Low taxes

