New legislation on green certificates in Romania - postsponememt rules of green certificates
ANRE (energy market regulator) amended rules for issuing green certificates starting from 1 July. The Government Ordinance diminishes support for green energy. The Ordinance establishes postsponement for three years and a half, with a green certificate per MWh for wind power and small hydro and 2 pc green tax certificate the centrals MWh for PV. In this new regulation, ANRE comes with an important clarification to clarify the postponement certificates. The ANRE decided that Transelectrica (energy system operator) should postpone the transaction (including the transfer of the account to the account of supplier manufacturer certificates mentioned in the Ordinance of the government). The Deferral period is 1th July 2013 -31 March 2017.
Certificates will be postponed and separately registered in the Register of beneficiaries. The suppliers welcomes the measures taken by the market regulator and gave the producers guarantee that they will receive their certificates back.Several providers told us that the government Ordinance is unclear and does not specify how that the manufacturers will be sure that they will recover the certificates.
ANRE clearly states that it is delaying trading, which is somehow a guarantee of issuing these certificates. ANRE new regulation, published in the Official Gazette shows that Transelectrica will issue monthly certificates (accredited green power energy), for the energy delivered to the system.
In 2017, issued "accredited certificates" will be paid in monthly installments in proportion to the number certificates (of postponed) units monthly. Thus, small hydropower and solar parks will begin to receive certificates back from 1 April 2017 IAF wind power - from 1 April 2018. The delayed release of certificates will end no later than 31 December 2020.
Suppliers appreciate that measure because they offer the possibility to realize them at a good price. If all of these postsponed certificates would be issued to trading at once, the trading price would collapse.
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