Subventions for agriculture in Romania - sub measure 4.3

Sub-measure 4.2 - Investment for development, modernization and adaptation of agriculture and forestry infrastructure
restructuring the management and application of the access infrastructure and adaptation of the access infrastructure to new agricultural and forest structure and efficient use of infrastructure usable.
- Establishment, expansion and modernization of agricultural access infrastructure for farms;
- Establishment, expansion and modernization of access roads in the forest;
- Modernization of irrigation infrastructure.
Ø Territorial administrative units and / or their associations established under national legislation in force;
Ø Private legal persons / organization other forest owners and / or their associations as required by law;
Ø Territorial administrative units and / or their associations, forest owners;
Ø Administrator for forest public property as required by law;
Ø Organizations / federations of water users, consisting of owners / users of agricultural land in accordance with the legislation in force.
- The investment must fall into at least one of the types of support provided by sub-measures;
- The applicant must qualify for eligible beneficiaries;
- The investment will be preceded by an assessment of the expected impact on the environment if it can have negative effects on the environment;
- The applicant undertakes to ensure the operation and maintenance of design parameters investment, for a period of at least 5 years since the last installment payment.
Specific conditions for AGRICULTURAL access infrastructure:
- Applicants must provide proof of ownership / management of the land on which the investment.
- The investment must be connected to an existing road.
Specific conditions for FORESTRY access infrastructure:
- Investments applicant must prove land ownership / management for state public domain.
- The applicant must demonstrate that the investment is found in forest management and inventory holder.
Specific conditions for IRRIGATION infrastructure:
- The investment must be reflected in a river basin management plan
- The investment provides water metering
- If the body of groundwater or surface is satisfactory, the investment must ensure that, following an ex-ante possible water savings with a minimum of 5% of technical parameters / existing infrastructure, excluding investments in irrigation infrastructure basins whose water source are collecting and storing irrigation water and does not affect bodies groundwater or surface
- The investment aimed identified areas in the Strategy of the investment in irrigation
- The investment must comply with the legislation on environmental effects, and where it can have negative effects on the environment, investment will be preceded by a expected environmental impact assessment
- The applicant shall demonstrate use of the land / physical assets of the investment
- The designed irrigation system must be connected to a functional system (main infrastructure).
} IRRIGATION SYSTEMS related to pressurizing stations and AGRICULTURAL ACCESS ROADS - 100% of the eligible expenditure not exceeding: 1,000,000 Euro / project.
} SETTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS related to pumping systems and FOREST ROADS - 100% of the eligible expenditure not exceeding: 1,500,000 Euro / project.
a. Construction, expansion and / or modernization of agricultural roads to farms (roadways from off farm);
b. Construction, expansion and / or modernization of forest roads;
c. Modernization secondary irrigation pumping, stations adjacent buildings and / or connection to utilities, water metering systems, including construction / modernization of tanks collecting and storing water for irrigation.
a. Costs for maintenance, repair and operation of investment made.
b. Rental costs for machinery, plant and equipment.
c. Operating costs including maintenance and rental costs.
d. Other ineligible costs: General expenses on goods and equipment “second hand "; expenditure incurred before the signing of the contract of the project exception of general costs as defined in art. 45, paragraph 2 c) of R (EU). 1305/2013 which may be made before the application for funding, expenditure necessary for the implementation and projects involving the creation / conversion orchards; acquisition costs means of transport for personal use and to transport people; value tax added, unless it cannot recover under national law VAT and specific provisions for financial instruments
1. multiple purpose of the investment objective;
2. agricultural areas served;
3. complementarities with orchards subprogram
4. accessibility of forest areas through new investments;
5. forest fund area served;
6. complementarities with investments in upgrading irrigation systems downstream;
7. water saving;
8. supply directly from the source system or gravity;
9. principle of underserved areas.
Grant will be given in the form of:
} A reimbursement of eligible expenses;
} An advance payment provided that a bank guarantee or a guarantee is corresponding to 100% of the advance in accordance with art. 45 and art. 63 Regulation no. 1305/2014;
Procedure to create a company in Romania
Guide for setting up a company in Romania