Establishment of a Romanian company


Starting a company does not guarantee that your business idea will be a success and does not mean that once you set up your company you became a true entrepreneur; it is a necessary but not a sufficient condition. On the other hand, it is good to know that when you have a company you will have more responsibility: documents, accounting, all kinds of authorizations, controls, reports, but also advantages.

Recruitment and company services in our business centers in Romania


CIBR INTERNATIONAL’s company secretarial department provides clients with a full suite of cost-effective company secretarial services, ensuring our clients have peace of mind that they meet the legal and administrative requirements.

Guide for setting up a company in Romania - romanian company inregistration

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The persons who want to set up companies in Romania can choose one of the types of companies provided in the Companies Law, which defines both the documents that must be taken into account when registering the company, as well as the social capital required for registration at the Trade Register.

From all the types of companies that can be established in Romania, the limited liability company, or the SRL, is the most common.


How to pay 1% taxes for a micro-enterprise in Romania

The micro-enterprise tax is computed as follows:

  • 1% for micro-enterprises with at least one employee*
  • 3% for micro-enterprises with no employees

* A reduced rate of 1% is applicable for the newly set up Romanian companies having at least one employee and being incorporated for a minimum period of 48 months and whose shareholders/associates did not hold participation titles in other legal entities. This reduced tax rate is only applied to the first 24 months since the registration date of the legal entity.


10 Advantages that a foreigner must know when he wants to open a company (SRL) in Romania.


Then, one of the reasons why it is good for a foreign citizen to open his company in Romania is the one related to the wages in our country, the average income in our country is 400 euros.

Any SRL registered in Romania is recognized throughout the European Union and can conduct business in the European community and beyond.

New law on the registration of the real beneficiary of companies from July 2019.


Did you know that you have to risk  to be radiated and that you can loose  your business if you do not submit the statement of the real beneficiary to the ONRC?

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The ONRC will organize a central register in which information will be registered regarding the real beneficiaries of the legal persons subject to the registration obligation in the trade register, except for the autonomous regions, the companies and the national companies and the companies wholly or majority state-owned.

U bent van harte welkom in onze incubatiecentra in Roemenie


De business centra met kantoren in Roemenië

We hebben twee business centra tot uw beschikking. Wij zijn eigenaar van de centra die we in onze portefeuille hebben.

Wanneer u een bedrijf in Roemenië opricht, doen we dat voor u en ontvangen we u in onze incubatiecentra. Dit zal je start versnellen en vergemakkelijken. U concentreert zich op  uw bedrijf, wij doen de rest.

Business incubators we build your business and company in Romania


Business incubators  we build your business and company in Romania

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We are specialized since 15 years in company formation in Romania. Our company registration in Romania has been crossing the border of 100 clients.

How to obtain subventions in Romania for your investments and projects


Use our subvention and grant services in Romania

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Each year the amount of grants made by corporations, foundations, and government agencies increases. Organizations that do not have enough funding in place to hire more staff and set up an office for the express purpose of writing and managing grants can benefit immeasurably from the services of our grant or subvention file consultants.

Recruitment in Romania, Belgium and Kazakhstan with the Recruitment Factory @RF


PBS Worldwide is operating in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Europe and Kazakhstan since 2003. PBS has build a solid international network. The clients are mainly larger companies that hire technical specialist, engineers in several disciplines and IT specialists on a permanent basis or freelance basis in different countries in Europe. The recruitment activities are branded under "the recruitment factory" or @RF with offices in Belgium, Romania and Kazakhstan. 
