
Romania's Implementation of Revised Compliance Regulations for Non-Resident Taxpayers under SAF-T

The introduction of SAF-T Romania brings about a significant change in tax reporting for non-resident taxpayers, with new compliance requirements set to go into effect in January 2025. The initial deadline for filing is February 28, 2025, and applies to all transactions made in January by VAT-registered non-resident companies. The Romanian tax authorities have granted a grace period until July 31, 2025, but failure to comply after this date may result in penalties of up to 1,000 EUR for late submissions.


Timing van dividenduitkeringen voor nieuw opgerichte Roemeense bedrijven vanaf 1 januari 2025

Dividenduitkering in Roemenië vanaf 1 januari 2025

Ondernemers in Roemenië vragen zich vaak af wanneer ze dividenden kunnen uitkeren bij het starten van een nieuw bedrijf. Ze willen graag weten wanneer ze toegang krijgen tot de winst van hun bedrijf in de vorm van dividenden. Aandeelhouders willen zo snel mogelijk hun deel van de winst ontvangen.


Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) Between Romania and Belgium

Double taxation can be a significant concern for individuals and businesses operating in both Romania and Belgium. This issue arises when the same income is taxed in more than one jurisdiction, leading to an unfair financial burden on taxpayers. To avoid such situations and to promote cross-border trade and investment, Romania and Belgium have signed a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) that aims to prevent income from being taxed twice — once in Romania and once in Belgium.


The ultimate guide to make electronic invoices in Romania e-Factura from ANAF

Are you prepared to dominate the realm of electronic invoicing in Romania?

Welcome! We proudly present our "E-factura in Romania Crash Course" video, the perfect resource for preparing for the upcoming mandatory e-invoicing revolution. This captivating video will showcase my knowledge and offer a comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial on how to adapt to the revised fiscal reporting procedures.


New Guidelines and Penalties for B2B e-invoicing Regime in Romania (2024)

The B2B e-invoicing regime in Romania will be implemented in two phases in 2024, with new regulations and penalties being introduced through government emergency ordinance 115/2023. These changes include exemptions for simplified invoices, exports, non-resident counterparties, and B2C transactions. Furthermore, the grace period for fines has been extended until July 2024. This article will provide an in-depth look into Romania's e-invoicing regime, covering the launch phases, requirements, penalties, and the user guidance manual issued by the Ministry of Finance.


Exploring the Future: Romania's Revolutionary Tax Reforms for Businesses in 2024

In the coming year of 2024, significant modifications are set to take place regarding corporate taxation. Here are the primary alterations that will be implemented.

Conditions for inclusion as a micro-enterprise in Romania

The most important changes concern the classification of companies as micro-enterprises.


new tax rates in romania

O. G. no. 16/2022 amended the Fiscal Code, therefore I present below the main provisions of the normative act.

 1. Dividend tax - the changes take effect on January 1, 2023

Starting from January 1, 2023, the tax rate for dividends distributed/paid between Romanian legal entities, as well as for those distributed/paid to non-residents, is increased from 5% to 8%.

2. Microenterprise income tax - changes come into effect on January 1, 2023


How to pay 1% taxes for a micro-enterprise in Romania

The micro-enterprise tax is computed as follows:

  • 1% for micro-enterprises with at least one employee*
  • 3% for micro-enterprises with no employees

* A reduced rate of 1% is applicable for the newly set up Romanian companies having at least one employee and being incorporated for a minimum period of 48 months and whose shareholders/associates did not hold participation titles in other legal entities. This reduced tax rate is only applied to the first 24 months since the registration date of the legal entity.

