Our due diligence services in Romania

The DD was done with a classical approach: we go on-site during 7-10 days. After this we write our report and conclusions and provide the investor (buyer) with a report and attachments. The main report and conclusions with corresponding attachments are prepared during the works.The duration of the works is around 2 to 3 weeks.
“Due to the COVID19 we had to re-think our business model and we started to work from a distance as per October 2020.”
What are the advantages of a digital Due Diligence in Romania ?
1. We do not have to travel to Romania
2. We can work more accurate as we do not lose time on site with the seller
3. We write better reports and we can go into more detail
4. In general, it is much faster compared to the classical method that we used before
Example of some of the topics handled.
1. Register of commerce and monitor of Romania
2. Organizational chart
3. Employees
4. FinData
5. Own Equity
6. Shareholder loans
7. Bancary loans
8. VAT & Taxes
9. Buildings
10. Land for agriculture
11. APIA
12. Irrigation plan and irrigation
13. Depreciation of all assets
14. Commercial contracts clients & suppliers
15. Law cases
16. Organic farming
17. Permits
18. Subvention files
19. Observations accountancy
20. Fusions
21. General conclusions