Why You Should Use Our Business Center in Romania

We are the first independent business center in Buzau, Romania, which shortens the route between office-seekers for their business in Romania. It facilitates the office renting process with cost-effectiveness, brings office market transparency and helps you in the process of incorporation of your company in Romania.
It all started with a building to be rented, not located in the best location, during the economic crisis. Then we have a building, the first one dedicated exclusively to office, independent from any real estate agents, where the offices will be presented at their best to meet future tenant’s requirements.
When it comes to running a business, you have multiple ways and places to set up your business.
You have one other option, though; one without all the drawbacks. That option is to rent an office in a business center or shared business space. This type of setup offers a lot of great benefits that are perfect for business owners of all types and with various budgets.
To begin with, one nice thing about using a business center is that most have shared or common areas that anyone who rents a space is able to use.
These might include reception areas, meeting rooms, and more. Not only are these great places for networking and meeting others who could prove to be good contacts, but they serve as an easy, professional, and safe way to meet with clients and potential clients.
Space, where you can readily hold business meetings, helps your business look more professional. Plus, the use of these shared areas is usually free of charge with your rental of office space.
Most business centers are located in prime areas, such as bustling downtown areas, business districts, or simply locations that are easy for people to reach.
If you buy or rent an entire business building in a prime area, you usually have to pay a small fortune. Our business center, however, offers you a much more affordable way to get some prime office space for less monthly rate in a village area.
When you choose to rent office space in a business center, some of your necessary equipment may be provided to you.
Filing cabinets, desks, and the like typically come standard with your rental as well, free.
Another thing to appreciate about our business center is that, with most, you'll get all of the benefits of having a receptionist without having to go out and hire one yourself.
You'll have someone who can direct calls to your office, or who can screen your calls for you if needed, collect your post etc. You'll also have someone to let people know how to find you and your office. This service is important, and because you don’t have to pay for it, it’s a major benefit of utilizing a business center. Their services are various, including human resources services, license, bilingual drafting of documents, contracts and more other.
This services are offered separately by contract for a small monthly rate.
Contact frjacobs@telenet.be
Read more: http://www.pbsworldwide.com/
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