business center romania

How Foreign Citizens Can Set Up an LLC in ROMANIA

Are you a non-resident in Romania looking to establish a business but the PFA legal form does not meet your needs? Consider setting up an LLC. Here are the requirements for opening an LLC as a foreign citizen.

Can foreigners start a business in Romania?

As long as you have a good idea and plan, you can start a business in Romania regardless of your citizenship. You just need to determine the appropriate legal form and follow the establishment procedure.



Business centers in Romania

We have several business centers at your disposal. We own or rent and do the exploitation of the business centers that we have in our portfolio. If needed we will look for a tailor made solution for your specific business and investment in Romania. We offer all that you need in order to conduct your business in a modern, pleasant and productive environment in open offices or classical offices.


Ambasadorul Belgiei, la inaugurarea primei investiţii străine la Mărăcineni , Buzau


Este vorba despre un centru de afaceri româno-belgian

Ambasadorul Belgiei în România, Philippe Beke, a participat, ieri, la Buzău, la inaugurarea primului centru de afaceri româno-belgian din judeţ. La eveniment au luat parte şi reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor locale, centrul fiind dezvoltat de Filip Verschelde, cel care îl deţine de altfel, şi Freddy Jacobs, preşedintele Camerei Imobiliare Belgia – România.