creating a company in romania

The tax rate for a micro enterprise with one full-time employee amounts to 1% in Romania

The revenue threshold of a micro enterprise will be EUR 1 million, from January 1, 2018. The tax rate for a micro enterprise, with one full-time employee, amounts to 1%, whereas the tax rate for micro enterprises with no employees reaches 3%.

According to the latest changes in the Fiscal Code,  a newly established legal entity is required to follow the micro-enterprise tax regime starting with the first fiscal year and will remain under this tax regime if it meets all of the following criteria:



The tax on micro-enterprises becomes compulsory for all businesses with turnover below 500,000 euros the tax rate is only 3%

All companies with private capital  that earned up to 500,000 euros in revenue in 2016 are required to change their tax system by becoming a taxpayer on microfinance income. Basically, no private company with income under this ceiling can not  pay a 16%  tax rate, but is forced to apply the tax regime for micro-enterprises. The only companies that escape this obligation are those with social capital of at least 45,000 lei, who can choose which tax system they apply (micro or profit tax).


Company formation and registration in Romania


Company Creation In Romania - Create A Company In Romania

We are specialized in remote company creation. We create form a distance you do not need to travel. You only travel to Romania with us after that the company is created to open the operational bancary accounts, personal bank accounts, internet banking on your name, etc..We create and you save money and time. For more info contact:


New provisions regarding tax exemptions on reinvested profit


New provisions regarding tax exemptions on reinvested profit

The Romanian Government has adopted Emergency Ordinance No. 19/2014 amending the Fiscal Code to introduce corporate tax exemptions for profit reinvested as of 1 July 2014.

The new tax exemption applies to profits reinvested in new technical equipment (as described in Group 2.1 of the Catalogue containing the classification and the normal useful lives of fixed assets) used for business purposes that was produced and/or purchased after 1 July 2014 and becomes operational by 31 December 2016.


Company creation in Romania

Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business or investment in Romania. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.

There are three ways to open an overseas operation in Romania:



Business centers in Romania

We have several business centers at your disposal. We own or rent and do the exploitation of the business centers that we have in our portfolio. If needed we will look for a tailor made solution for your specific business and investment in Romania. We offer all that you need in order to conduct your business in a modern, pleasant and productive environment in open offices or classical offices.

